
Teleportation - cases from life
Teleportation Teleportation is moving from one place to another instantly, without existing in...
The influence of chance on a person's fate
What is included in the concept of gender? What is a genus? Of course, these are parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents....
Natalia Evgenievna Nikolaikina
Ten percent rule R. Lindeman (1942) formulated the law of the pyramid of energies, or the rule of 10...
Tsarina Natalya Naryshkina - biography, family and interesting facts
Russian queen, second wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, mother of Peter I. Natasha was very beautiful: with...
Presentation on the topic
Nikolai Gumilyov (1886-1921) - Russian poet of the Silver Age, creator of the school of Acmeism, translator,...
Domestic and foreign policy of Paul I
Reforms of Paul I (briefly) The main characteristic of the reign of Paul I can be called...
Literary and historical notes of a young technician
Baron Ungern. The name of this man has always been perceived ambiguously. Different authors, depending on...
Ramses III - plot to kill the king: facts Ramses 3 and his son - history
Following the established tradition, I am reviewing the next task of the MCTF Information Security Olympiad. IN...
Principles of magnetic field shielding
Let's consider an ordinary bar magnet: magnet 1 rests on the North surface with its pole up....
What are magnetic field lines called?
Just as a stationary electric charge acts on another charge through...
What to do if you are seriously offended?
Resentment is a problematic emotion from which no one benefits. Being offended, a person equally torments and...
My own mother hates me
My daughter has also hated me since childhood. She was a terribly obstinate child. Under the great influence...
Jacob Bruce: the most shocking biography facts Who is Jacob Bruce
Mysteries surround Jacob Bruce from his very birth: where and when this happened is not known for certain,...
Analysis of the poem “Creativity” B
Graduated while still a student at Moscow University. In 1899 he finishes it and begins...
Director of the Board of the Russian-American Company, Corresponding Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences...
What do flowers say?  George Sand.  Book: George Sand “What the flowers talk about (silk) What the saints talk about George Sand
What do flowers say? When I was little, it really bothered me that I couldn’t make out what...
The book
Ancient Greece became the birthplace of many heroes who are known throughout the world. Among them, a place of honor...
8624 01/28/17 11:13 Before Jane Austen’s most famous novel “Pride and Prejudice” is a fact...
Camp event
In the context of the dynamics of modern economic and social processes, the...
Book: Walter, Edgar “Pocky and all-all-all
I think you can either love this book very much or not love it at all. I have long wanted her in my...