
The first stages of anthropogenesis
The theory of spontaneous generation of life - chemical evolution - occupies a central place in modern...
The role of biology in modern society
Question 1. Introduction to biology1. Definition of biologyBiology is the science of life. She studies life as...
Where to start learning biology for the Unified State Exam
The purpose of this exam is to evaluate the knowledge of high school graduates in a specific subject in order to...
Natalia Evgenievna Nikolaikina
Ten percent rule R. Lindeman (1942) formulated the law of the pyramid of energies, or the rule of 10...
Transcription in biology - what is it?
TRANSCRIPTION in biology (syn. template RNA synthesis) - synthesis of ribonucleic acid on a matrix...
Requirements for the biology classroom material on biology on the topic
Requirements for a biology classroom A school biology classroom is not only a class where...
Methods of scientific knowledge
Unified State Exam 2005 OPTION No. 1 A1. The science that classifies organisms based on their relationships is 1) ecology 2)...
Abby Green - Surprise prenuptial agreement
Abby Greene Marriage contract with a surprise Novel Delucca’s Marriage Contract Delucca’s Marriage...
Homeostasis brief definition
Among the properties inherent in living beings, homeostasis is mentioned. This concept is called relative...
The main stages of the evolution of flora and fauna The first organisms on earth biology message
Table 1 Era Period (million years) Vegetation and fauna Archean, Proterozoic (beginning...
Template synthesis reactions
Hereditary information is information about the structure of a protein (information about which amino acids are in...
Was Stalin mentally ill?
He also experienced his share of boyhood misadventures... Tucker R. S. 77 At the age of ten he fell...
Mumu history of creation presentation
Slide 1 Slide 2 A man 12 inches tall, built like a hero and deaf and dumb from birth. Gifted...
Presentation History of the creation of the story N
For the late 20s and early 30s of the 19th century, one of the exciting problems was the problem of historicism....
Who actually invented Budenovka?
Let us immediately make a reservation that the question of the origin of the headdress, later known as...
An ancient country on the territory of Armenia Armenian wars in ancient times
The history of Ancient Armenia goes back thousands of years, and the Armenians themselves lived long before the emergence...
Ancient Armenia: history, dates, culture
The Armenian people and the country of Armenia as their home have existed since ancient times. The very first...
Ancient Armenia Greek historians about Armenia during the Persian times
Apart from the fact that ancient man appeared on the territory of Armenia back in the Early Paleolithic era...
The drug
Nadezhda Osipova: Regulatory acts alone cannot solve the problem of narcotic painkillers In July...
Kibalchish meaning.  Character history.  See what it is
“The Tale of the Military Secret, of Malchish-Kibalchish and His Firm Word” was first published in April...